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What can TRPM do for you?
The Towing & Recovery Professionals of Maryland (TRPM) was founded in 1979 and held its first official meeting in January 1980. The association was developed to serve as a source of information to its members and provide them with an opportunity to exchange ideas and benefit from their collective experiences and expertise. The association also serves as a liaison between the Members and Government entities and works with legislators to enact effective laws and regulations our industry.
What has TRPM done to help the towers in Maryland? In 2008, then Governor O’Malley appointed a task force to study towing issues. TRPM was able to defeat licensure for all towing companies in the state and participated in developing effective regulations on trespass/private property towing.
An update to The Move Over Law was passed in 2014 to include Towing Professionals. In 2015 TRPM entered into an agreement with the State Highway Administration (SHA) and the Maryland State Police (MSP) that recognized towers as first responders in national Traffic Incident Management (TIM). This was a huge win for all the towers in the state.
With every legislative session, our lobbyist brings to light issues that could possibly affect our industry. The Board of Directors and the
Legislative/Government Affairs Committee work with several legislators to assure that the
interests of the towers and our industry are being met.
Training seminars are held several times a year regarding technical services and small business development. TIM Training is offered to all members at no cost and is made available through SHA.
TRPM has been an affiliate member of the Towing and Recovery Association of America (TRAA) since its inception. Over the years the association has forged relationships with the Maryland Motor Truck Association (MMTA), Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, Maryland State Police, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED) and the State Highway Administration.